Developing Self-Confidence Is A Process Learn The Process And Expand And Improve Every Aspect of Your Life!
The process of Developing Self-Confidence begins when you first change your belief of what you think you can or cannot accomplish.
If you don’t believe that you have the ability to accomplish whatever it is that you are striving for you are without question guaranteeing your failure.
Most of us sabotage our chances to achieve higher levels of success in life because we fail to believe in ourselves.
If you try your hardest and you still find that you cannot make yourself belief in your ability to accomplish a particular task, then Fake It!
That’s right, I said fake it, just forget what your mind is telling you and start telling yourself that nothing can stop you. Developing Self-Confidence requires you to take action.
If you lack the confidence you need to get a head in life but you have the desire to change you can do so as long as you commit to working on yourself.

Developing Self-Confidence One Step At A Time!
Our self-confidence comes from inside, if you change the way you talk to yourself and the way you think about yourself developing self-confidence will not be so challenging.
You see it is not your mind that is telling you that you cannot do something, it is You telling your mind that you cannot do whatever it may be.
You have to get past your own self-defeating beliefs before you will see any real change in your confidence.
This is something that you can do and I will help to show you how but it will be up to you to take the actions that I suggest.
So now we know that developing self-confidence is a process and not an impossibility and we know that it starts by changing the belief that we hold in our mind.
If you are having a difficult time with changing your mindset what you need to do is start with something small and by small I just mean to choose something that you would like to achieve that does not present an overwhelming challenge.
Developing Self-Confidence Is Easy But It Takes Action!
It really can be anything, baking a pie from scratch, sinking a ten foot putt, reading a book within a week you see where I am going with this so find something similar and we will get to work.
If your mind is telling you that it is just too difficult you are going to have to start to tell your mind that you can do it because in essence you control your thoughts.
You can start this process through the use of self-talk, this is where you just spend a day continuously telling yourself that you can accomplish the task you have chosen.
Now, after spending the day taking control of your thoughts and telling yourself that you can accomplish the task at hand “get to it,” jump right in and show yourself that you have the power and the ability to win!
There you go, you just took your first major step in developing your self-confidence.
Your self-esteem will rise with every accomplishment regardless of how grand or glorious it may or may not be.
The fact is you took the first step and you proved to yourself that you can change your beliefs so you have taken your first action to developing self-confidence.
As your self-esteem rises so does your self-confidence and your belief that you can accomplish tasks that you might otherwise not have been able to accomplish.
This all becomes a vicious yet wonderful chain reaction that results in you developing self-confidence to set higher and higher goals. This is how you build upon your smaller success.
You started with one small goal which you did not believe you could accomplish yet you proved yourself wrong.
Although if you think about it in reality you proved yourself to be right because you spent that one day telling yourself that you could accomplish the task at hand and in the end that is exactly what you had done.
Self-talk is incredibly powerful not only in developing self-confidence but in changing your inner belief’s. We will only excel to the level that we believe we can.
So What Do You Do Now?
Developing Self-Confidence One – Two – Three Steps At A Time!
You begin to set a series of higher goals but you take each of those higher goals and break them down into smaller steps.
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Now visualize the process in your mind, form a mental picture of a stairway with a small landing at every 5 to 10 steps, these landings are the small goals that once achieved present the accomplishment of the larger goal you had set for yourself.
You are developing self-confidence with every step you take and every achievement you make.
As you make your way up those steps with every smaller goal you achieve your pride begins to climb right along side you and the more self-pride you have the greater your self-esteem thus leading to the development of your self-confidence.
Self-confidence comes from positive knowing. Positive knowing just means that you are certain that you know how to do whatever it is that you need or want to do.
Now where did we start with all this?
We said that developing self-confidence required one to change their belief and the way they talked to themselves.
You use your self-talk to go from believing that you cannot do something to believing that you can. A person that believes in him or herself will naturally enjoy a high degree of self-confidence.
You must begin to work on changing your thoughts, really taking control over them and to begin to truly believe in yourself.
You have more personal power than you might think and isn’t it time for you to begin to harness that power? Developing self-confidence is easy when you have control of your thoughts.
You can do, I can do, anyone can do anything they set their minds to so you don’t have to live a life with limits, you have the tools to begin developing self-confidence to achieve your greatest desires.
{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }
Hi, Howard I am very please to meet you. Everyday I am looking to meet exclusive person(s) with an extraordinary character. you are one of them. I look forward to hearing and learning from you in the
future. God Bless you and Keep you.
Hie Howard,
I really find your article very inspirational. I believe I have found what I needed to know. I have been battling with the problem of underconfidence even though I know I am capable of doing great things in my life. Thanks a lot.
Hi Jenna,
Thank you for the find words, I always love to hear from my readers and it’s even better when they tell me I have helped them in some small way.
God Bless You!
You really know how to explain things in writing so that it is easy to understand and put to use.
I love reading your articles they are really helpful and I am really grateful.
Hi Steve,
I apologize I have been away for over 4 months and I am now just getting back to work. I was in the hospital (ICU) and they do not allow computers or phones. If you are still interested let me know what you are interested in and I will see what I can find.
Thank you for visiting!
Do you have any audio samples I can just listen to to see if this is what I want?
Hi Niecy,
Sometimes you just cannot convince others with words however your actions can speak for you. Just never give up on yourself and keep working hard for YOU because once you have proven your strength to yourself it may not be necessary to ask others for another chance.
Best Wishes!
Even if I tell myself that I can, how do I convince others to give me another chance?