Using Daily Affirmations To Improve Your Life Everyday In Every Way Possible!
Daily affirmations are positive statements you repeatedly say to yourself to effect a positive change in your life.

Daily Affirmations Calm The Mind
Affirmations are simple, short messages. They are not meant to be complicated, confusing, or harmful in any way.
To ensure the effectiveness of daily affirmations, you must try your hardest to fill them with emotion and desire.
A positive, expectant attitude will strengthen your affirmations, and you will attract people and circumstances into your life that support your positive thoughts.
When you are saying them to yourself, you do not want to repeat them; they must be repeated with emotion and conviction for them to affect your life.
Daily affirmations to bring about a desired situation are a very positive way of controlling what goes on inside your mind and your environment. You have the power to draw positive events into your life.
The whole intention is to embed the positive thoughts into your subconscious mind. You see, the way we talk to ourselves, repeating these statements repeatedly, causes us to take what we say to ourselves as the truth.
It would be best to take control of your thoughts because the thoughts you choose to think and believe are creating your future. These thoughts shape and form your experiences every minute of your life.
This self-talk within your mind may be positive or negative; your subconscious mind accepts it as your reality.
If you repeat a thought long enough and with feeling, your mind will accept it as the truth. Keeping your dominant thoughts positive and focused on what you want will ultimately shape your life to conform to your thoughts.
A positive thinking pattern will empower you to remain vigilant in your efforts to focus on your desired goal continually.
Repeating daily affirmations will always positively affect achieving your goal or goals.
The more positive you keep your affirmations, the better chance you have to attract good things into your life, ultimately helping you reach your goals much faster.
By consciously using daily affirmations, you can direct your subconscious mind to change your attitude, habits, and overall behavior.
The positive change in your life could be immediate or take some time. It all depends on your desired goal and the strength of the emotion you put into each affirmation.
You must develop an attitude of genuine belief that what you say to yourself will occur.
A positive, expectant attitude means that you honestly expect a positive outcome based on the thoughts you choose to shape your life.
Daily Affirmations Display A Positive Expectant Attitude!
Daily affirmations help keep my mind and mood positive and productive. The benefits you will get from training your subconscious mind to work in your favor are limitless.
When repeating the daily affirmations, it is imperative that they are spoken in the present tense and that they are positive.
For example, if you desire a happy day filled with joy and sound events, you would say to yourself, “I am having a terrific day. I could not be more happy.”
This affirmation is short, simple, positive, personal, and in the present tense.
Suppose you concentrate on this statement and continually repeat it to yourself. In that case, you will attract positive events into your life, significantly affecting your general attitude and outlook.
Keeping your mind continuously occupied with positive self-talk leads to a positive mental attitude.
You end up feeling better, and you enjoy your day because you are focused on positive results.
Daily Affirmations Using Them To Turn A Bad Day To Great Day!
Daily affirmations are so powerful that you can experience immediate results, such as an upbeat attitude, due to the mind focusing on positive events. However, you will also have lasting long-term effects as your subconscious mind begins to accept your affirmations as reality.
This practice of positive self-talk can lead to achieving the goals you have set for yourself.
Positive self-talk, daily affirmations, and positive thinking are perfect for personal success.
Daily Affirmations For Success:
My Strength To Live My Life With Awareness Is An Inspiration To Others
I was born to succeed, not fail. Failure was something others taught me.
Daily Affirmations have to be just that—Daily!
If you only repeat a positive affirmation for a few minutes and then allow your mind to be taken over with negative thoughts, you have done away with any possible positive effects.
Whenever you’re not engaged in something particular, use that time to repeat some daily affirmations for something that you have a strong desire to manifest in your life.
Get into the habit of noticing when your mind is free, and you can start to program your subconscious mind with positive affirmations.
The more you do this, the easier it becomes and the more positive your overall mental attitude will be.
When using your daily affirmations, try to release all tension, take some slow, deep breaths, and allow yourself to relax.
I Feel Secure In The Knowledge That All I Need I Have Inside Myself
The stronger your concentration is and the more feeling you associate with the affirmation, the stronger and faster your results will show.
Use the strength of your daily self-talk to build strong positive beliefs, and expect the events or circumstances you saturate your subconscious mind to become your reality.
One habit I began years ago is always to carry a small journal filled with affirmations with me.

Use Daily Affirmations To Achieve Your Dreams
Whenever I have free time, I break out my journal and try to memorize the daily affirmations I choose to repeat.
Not only do I try to memorize the affirmations, but I will always add a few each day.
Sometimes, if I do not feel great, I repeatedly repeat, “I like myself…I like myself…I like myself,” As silly as that may sound, it has a beautiful effect on my mood.
Soon, I noticed I was feeling better, and I even got a little smile on my face. It is such an easy thing to do, and it is so positive that it keeps your mind focused on a positive thought, leaving you with a great attitude.
That is the whole purpose of using daily affirmations: to stay positive and focus on things you desire, defeating all the negative from even entering your mind.
To Follow Are Some Examples of Some Daily Affirmations That I Use To Improve My Attitude:
- “I feel terrific today; it’s a beautiful day.”
- “I am relaxed and in control of my thoughts.”
- “I am proud of how I choose to live my life.”
- “I like myself.”
- “I appreciate and love my wife.”
- “My beautiful Daughter, Leah Grace, brings me more happiness than I could ever wish for.”
- “I am happy, and I have the mental strength to overcome my health issues because I am in control.”
- “I have the mental strength to overcome adversity and share my knowledge with others.”
- “My wife, son, and daughter are my greatest treasures.”
- “My joy in life comes from my heart, and I can spread my joy by opening my heart to others.”
- “I love to be around others, and people like to be around me.”
- “I am a winner and will always be a winner.”
You see, the daily affirmations are short, they are simple, they are positive, and they are in the present tense. They do not have to, and they should not be complicated.
Do you realize you are the only person who can use “I” when referring to yourself?
I Am The Creator Of My Own Life Through My Thoughts Which I Control!
Whenever you have negative thoughts, immediately turn them around and repeat some positive daily affirmations; the immediate change in your attitude will feel wonderful.
Practice using affirmations every day, try to be aware of your current thoughts, and take control of those thoughts, always keeping them positive and focused on goal achievement.
Repeating daily affirmations with faith and attention changes what your subconscious mind accepts as truth, transforming the way you think, your habits, attitude, and skills, and this helps you create a better life and attract new opportunities.
What you continually say to yourself is exactly what you will get. Your self-talk, what you say in your mind in words, thoughts, or feelings, will determine your life, reality, and everything you experience.
If you constantly bombard your mind with negative thoughts and focus on or expect problems and difficult situations, that is precisely what you will attract into your life.
However, on the other hand, if you focus on success, favorable events, prosperity, and personal achievements, you will experience all of those.
The strength of using positive daily affirmations can attract all these things into your life.
The incredible power the mind holds to think and imagine what does not exist to manifest it into our lives is a tremendous amount of energy and control that we all possess.
Through daily affirmations and the power of envisioning your ultimate life, you can change your reality and create better situations and circumstances for yourself.
You, too, can change your reality by changing your beliefs and focus, using the power of daily affirmations to construct the life of your dreams, and always maintaining a positive mental attitude.
{ 15 comments… read them below or add one }
Hi Howard
Thank you so much for all this motivational and inspiring stories/lessons and words. I realy needed it, it helped alot and I feel much better after reading through it. Keep up the good work and God bless.
I was looking for some positive affirmations with images regarding achievement and was drawn to your site. I enjoy the article. It is on point with it’s subject. Good job. Fine article :-)
Hi John,
Thank you for visiting and for your comment. However concerning your comment I would have to completely disagree. I don’t understand why people need a scientific reason to prove or disprove the effectiveness of using daily affirmations. I do appreciate your opinion but I might point out that you will most certainly find the evidence you are seeking however that is ONLY because you have taken such a negative approach. When we look for the bad, the ugly and the evil that is precisely what we will find.
If defies all logic to say that filling the mind with joyful and positive thoughts will have no positive effects on one’s life. I guarantee that if you took a positive approach to your work or research you would easily find the positive results that you seek. Life is too short and too precious for you to spend your talents in efforts to disprove something that so positive, something that has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people or more.
As I said I sincerely appreciate your comment because it does open a dialogue which gives me the opportunity to motivate others into trying something that can only have positive results. I apologize for doing this but I cannot allow you to post a link to your site when I know that it can only have a negative impact on my readers or anyone who is looking to improve their life. Repeating positive daily affirmations has help me countless times over the past 30+ years and they have lasting affects.
I wish you well my friend!
I wish what you wrote was true but I’ve been researching self-help affirmations and haven’t found much scientific evidence for them. I’m writing about it on my website. I certainly don’t believe I have all the answers, which is why I’m researching scientific journals on the subject.
Hi Again J.R.,
I hope you don’t mind but I would like to introduce you to my readers. I am beginning to feel some pressure in my head and my eyes are getting blurry so I will have to make it a short into for now.
For all my readers! – J.R. otherwise known as Professor Necessary is truly an incredible person with a heart as big as the sun. You would never know it by the way he keeps himself busy but when I first met J.R. he was 89 years old and he was working on putting together a comic routine to help lift the spirits of the residents at an elderly home. Now J.R. is not a resident he still lives on his own but he dedicates his time and energy into brightening the days for those who may not have any other family or friends. I could go on and on about how incredible this man is but as I said my head is beginning to hurt and I want to get through the rest of these comments. But trust me J.R. is one of a kind and I am very privileged to be able to call him my friend.
God Bless You J.R.
Hi J.R.,
You already know my answer to that : ) It’s great to see you on the site.
Take Care My Friend!
Howard..Great definiton and the purpose of Affirmations. I plan to use about 50-60 of my affirmatons illistrated in color by a Ball State Uiversity, IN art student in my Affirmations . presentation Thanks. J.R. Necessary, retired professor, Ball State University, Muncie, IN
Howard: I just finished reading this article…super GREAT…I have colr afirmations slides I plan to use in my presentation…Affirmations-The
Howard..a Great research article on Affirmations…I have some great affirmation slides which an artist at Ball State University did for me when I was employed as a Professor tere. I would like to extract some of your ideas from this article prior to showing about 60 Affirmation slides..would that be OK with you. J.R. Necessary title of my presentation is The “Necessary” Ideas for a Happy Life.
Thank you Sriniva, I wish all the same for you as well.
Take Care!
Thank you Darla I love to hear it when someone finds what I share here to be helpful.
Take Care!
Your website is great. Thank you for your time and energy
I am jsut now after 16 years of knowing about affirmations, starting again. Your article is excellent. It covers a lot of ground.
Inspiring. I think I needed this. Thanks.