Positive Thinking

Positive thinking empowers and strengthens your resolve to create and live your ideal life! Start thinking positive today and enjoy a better tomorrow! This is not just my opinion or some theory. The human mind is a unique and powerful tool, and the best part is that you have access to this magnificent tool every […]


The Benefits of Positive Thinking and Personal Development are too numerous to cover in one article; however, I will address the most significant aspects of both practices. Positive thinking and personal development are essential components of a healthy and prosperous life. Positive thinking is a mental attitude that focuses on the bright side of life, […]


Using Daily Affirmations To Improve Your Life Everyday In Every Way Possible! Daily affirmations are positive statements you repeatedly say to yourself to effect a positive change in your life. Affirmations are simple, short messages. They are not meant to be complicated, confusing, or harmful in any way. To ensure the effectiveness of daily affirmations, […]


The Law of Attraction can be and is a very controversial subject. However, I believe anyone who disputes its power is led by fear, self-doubt, and frustration due to a lack of belief. I KNOW that the law of attraction is natural, and I feel the evidence of this magnificent, universal power going to work […]


Creative Visualization is one of the key personal powers we all possess that can be used to take control of our minds and ultimately every aspect of our lives. Creative visualization is a powerful technique that allows you to tap into the power of your mind and your natural creative imagination to manifest your deepest […]


Self-discipline is one quality that you can develop that will guarantee you greater success, accomplishment, and happiness in life. Of a thousand principles for success developed over the ages, this one quality or practice will do more to assure that you accomplish wonderful things with your life than anything else. If you fail to develop […]


“Positive Thinking Goals Achieving” That Is The Type of Attitude You Want To Have! Positive Thinking is a Life Style And With It, You Can Do Anything! Achieving All Your Goals Becomes Your Reality And Not Just Distant Dreams, Attitude Is Everything! Positive thinking will give you a wonderful outlook on your life and the […]


Personal Development The Journey That Never Ends! Positive self-expectancy is the fuel for any personal development journey because when you expect the best you will almost always achieve the best. Let’s first discuss Personal Development you have no doubt heard the phrase before but do you really know what it is or the real meaning […]


There are ways of improving self-esteem that is not as difficult as you may believe them to be. Sometimes it is very hard to see past the moment that you are in but that’s exactly what you must-do if you want to experience positive change in your life. It takes years to develop low self-esteem, […]


Enthusiasm or Enthusiastic It’s Tough To Have One Without The Other! Enthusiasm is what ignites your drive and ambition to succeed at any endeavor. One can never be too enthusiastic providing your goals are in alignment with your integrity. The saddest days of our lives are those that we can find nothing to be enthusiastic […]


Positive Thinking and personal achievement learn how a simple change in your attitude can help you to succeed in both your personal and professional life! Achieving the success you desire does not have to be as challenging as you think. You were born to achieve great things with your life, however you have to believe […]


Positive Thinking Tips for living a positive and productive life this will be the topic for this questions and answers article. If you are not sure of what I am referring to I will explain. Just before my illness flared up back in October 2013 I announced that I would be answering the questions I […]

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What it Means To Go Beyond Positive Thinking and What it Can Do For Our Lives! In this article, you will Learn What It Takes To Go Beyond Positive Thinking and really improve every aspect of your life. To go beyond positive thinking means you will have to take an in-depth look at yourself with […]


Positive Thinking And Positive Self-Talk Together Can Create A Positively Wonderful Life! How Positive Thinking May Be Blocked By Your Own Inner Dialogue or Self-Talk! Positive thinking can and will change your entire life. Maintaining a positive attitude can and will help you to deal with and manage many of life’s challenges. A positive attitude […]


Becoming more positive is an act of the will and all our will power comes from the mind and our thoughts. Learn to control your thoughts and you will have mastered your ability to become more positive at any moment in your life! Improve Your Life By Learning The Secrets To Becoming More Positive. Becoming more […]


Positive Thinking Quotes to read through for when you’re feeling a little down and could use a little help to see all the good things life has to offer. Everyone experiences those times when nothing feels good and even though you cannot see it at the time you know those times will pass. Reading through positive […]


Positive thinking will build positive self-esteem! When you learn to control and empower your mind with positive thoughts and feelings your life will improve at every level so why not choose to become an optimist and watch your self-esteem soar! However to improve your life you must improve your thinking and then take positive action, […]


Positive Thinking Statements have the power to shape and change your thinking and your attitude throughout your days. Repeating or even thinking of positive statements holds the power to keep you energized, excited and your mind programmed for success. By continually filling your mind with positive thoughts you are constantly programming your subconscious mind to build […]


Positive thinking and NLP the new technology for achievement, with these two forces at your control nothing is out of reach, you will have what it takes to accomplish all you have ever wanted and then some. Over the past 30 years or so of working in the field of personal development and human potential […]


Positive Attitude productive life! I could stop right there because that pretty much sums it all up but of course there is always too much on my mind for me to just write one sentence and call it quits. : ) So what is a Positive Attitude? How do you get one? How do you […]


Setting goals for your life is the real action that starts everything moving in a positive direction. When you know what it is that you want you unlock the positive mind and unleash the ideas and energy for achieving what you truly desire. When setting goals you must first begin with a pattern of positive […]


A Positive Attitude Change For Living A More Positive and Productive Life. You have probably heard before that attitude is everything, well the fact is your attitude in life will determine the heights of your personal and professional success. Your attitude determines how other people perceive you in this world and it portrays how you […]


How To Defeat A Negative Attitude! Due to some harsh emails and comments, I have received I feel I should point out the fact that this article deals mainly with the effects of harboring a negative attitude along with some specific actions one can take to try and overcome the negativity. This particular article does […]


Positive Self-Motivation is that personal inner drive to achieve and succeed in the face of any and all challenges in life. Positive Self-Motivation is the characteristic of a real winner in life. A self-motivated person will run circles around one that lacks motivation and they will become the leaders in society, business, church functions or […]


Personal Development Plan for success and happiness, one that you can put to use in your life starting today. Personal Development is only achieved by taking the positive actions required to improve different aspects of your life. We were all born to be winners but sadly many have lost their way and instead of living […]


What Is Positive Thinking? Have you ever found yourself asking this question, not necessarily to someone directly but possibly within the realms of your own mind? When you think about it positive thinking appears to be self explanatory, however for many, especially those who have a difficult time with life in general understanding what positive […]


Start thinking positive, three simple words that can change the course of your entire life! Positive thinking is powerful, it can turn the worst of times into the best of times and all it takes is a shift in the pattern of your thoughts. If you are not happy there is only one person that […]


Self-Confidence And Self-Esteem Improve One Gain The Other! Self-Confidence is a cause and a result of our overall successes in life and your degree of confidence is a result of degree of self-esteem. Successful people have greater confidence then those with just ordinary results. When you have unshakable Self-Confidence your entire life will change. Your […]


Optimism Is The Central Point of The Thoughts of All Successful People. Optimistically Reading Through This Page Is The First Step Towards Improving Your Optimism! Optimism is a matter of mental habit. You can learn to practice the habit of being an optimist and thereby greatly enhance your chances of achieving success. Or you can […]


Positive thinking exercises can help with a number of problems, situations or circumstances. I receive anywhere from 5 to 35 emails everyday from readers with specific questions related to personal development issues and positive thinking so what I have decided to do is to post the questions (anonymously) and answers on the site from time […]

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Positive self-talk or negative self-talk at any point in our waking day we are all engaged in one or the other. Self-talk is that little voice in your head that seems to have its own opinion about everything you ever do, say or think. If you think about it you spend more time listening to […]


Showing Gratitude Shows Character. Gratitude says so much about your true character. We all have so much to be grateful for in this life, but sometimes it takes someone else to open your eyes to it all. If you find it hard to show true gratitude you are going to find it hard to really […]


Positive thoughts are the secret to maintaining a positive attitude and with a positive attitude you can achieve any goal you set for your life. Throughout this article you will learn just how powerful it is to maintain positive thoughts and feelings and how to overcome the negative thoughts before they ever have a chance […]


Positive thinking for the new year and beyond. Can you think of a better time than right now to start working on improving your attitude? Well technically it would’ve been better had you started yesterday or last week or last month but that’s all in the past so let’s start fresh right now. What do […]


Positive Thinking For 2013 okay I realize I am running a little late this year but as they say; “better late than never.” Well if you watched my new welcome video you already know why it has taken me until the the 4th of June to write my annual positive thinking for the new year […]


The Power of Positive Thinking is an Immense Force That We All Possess, I Intend To Show You How I Put This Power To Use In My Life And By The End Hopefully You Will See How You Can Use It Within Your Own. This is My Story! The Power of Positive Thinking Hello, my […]