
A Winning Attitude! What does it mean to have a winning attitude? I discuss the importance of maintaining a positive attitude throughout this site, yet the topic seems never-ending. I spent the past five days in a hospital bed fighting a bout of bilateral pneumonia. Two nights ago, the coughing was so bad I could […]


Using Daily Affirmations To Improve Your Life Everyday In Every Way Possible! Daily affirmations are positive statements you repeatedly say to yourself to effect a positive change in your life. Affirmations are simple, short messages. They are not meant to be complicated, confusing, or harmful in any way. To ensure the effectiveness of daily affirmations, […]


Positive Affirmations can cleanse the mind of negative thoughts and feelings, replacing them with positive, constructive emotions. Through the use and practice of positive affirmations, you can take charge of every aspect of your life. Throughout this article, you will learn how to use positive affirmations to help you realize and achieve your greatest dreams […]


Consistency Is The Seventh Key In Our Discussion To Developing Your Personal Power! Consistency shows your desire to follow instructions and complete tasks in a well-formed manner. The effort to accomplish tasks in the same manner time and time again. In developing our personal power this ability is crucial, it shows people that you are […]

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Personal Development The Journey That Never Ends! Positive self-expectancy is the fuel for any personal development journey because when you expect the best you will almost always achieve the best. Let’s first discuss Personal Development you have no doubt heard the phrase before but do you really know what it is or the real meaning […]


Improve Your Self-Esteem Improve Your Life! Self-esteem is based upon the internalization of value. There will never be a person who is more important than any other person, regardless of looks, status, or birth. Each of us is equally valuable and worth-while. We live today in a narcissistic society. We are struggling to move from […]


Positive Thinking and personal achievement learn how a simple change in your attitude can help you to succeed in both your personal and professional life! Achieving the success you desire does not have to be as challenging as you think. You were born to achieve great things with your life, however you have to believe […]


Motivational Books and Audio Programs A Vast Selection of Personal Development Audio-Books and MP3 Downloads. If you looking to improve your life in any particular area you will find exactly what you need right here. If you’re looking for Motivational Books or books on Personal Development you have come to the right place. Our bookstore […]


Strong Self-Confidence In Life Puts You Ahead of The Crowd At What Ever You Do! Self-confidence is an attitude, which will allow you to have a positive, yet realistic views of yourself and your situations. When you have self-confidence, you will trust your own abilities, and experience a general sense of control over your life. […]


Success, a simple word with such huge implications. We all want success in our lives and why not, we all deserve it. No one is here on this earth to be just mediocre. Nobody’s life is intended for failure, I believe we were all meant to achieve the kind of success that is right for […]

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Setting GoalsĀ  must be your first step in your plan of action to achieve lifelong personal success. Although when I refer to setting goals I am really talking about setting SMART goals. What is a SMART Goal you might ask? A SMART goal is a laser focused action plan that will propel you toward the […]


The Ten Keys To Building Your Personal Power And Unshakable Self-Confidence! There are 10 keys to personal power that will lead you to a more powerful and confident personality. With these 10 qualities success is predictable however if you lack even one of these qualities of personal power, that can be enough, the weak link […]


Decisions we are all faced with hundreds of decisions all the days of our life but but it is the achievers in life that know exactly how to deals with all the choices one has. A decisive person will achieve more in a day, week or month than one who lacks the ability to make […]


Daily Motivation Tips And Motivational StrategiesĀ that will help to keep you focused on your daily tasks and goals. With all the distractions we all must deal with on a daily basis it is easy to fall off track. Motivation plays a vital role in your personal development. We should always strive to improve ourselves and […]


Consideration The Sixth Key to Developing Your Personal Power. One who cannot or does not know how to effectively show consideration for all those around him is truly incapable of enjoying a successful life. Consideration is the sixth key in our discussion of the 10 keys to personal power. In this article you will learn […]